Meet Our Editors!

Hayley Barnes

Hayley Barnes is a Brooklyn-based writer whose work focuses on queerness and heartbreak, the pleasures and perils of consumption, and what it means to call yourself a poet. Her work has appeared in borrowed solace.

Tim Coover

Tim is a Brooklyn-born teacher and traveler turned writer. After studying the classics at St. John's College, he moved to rural China, and has spent most of his adult life abroad, mostly recently in his adopted island home of Taiwan, where he has lived and worked for more than 5 years. He is currently back in Brooklyn, where he is an MFA student in the Writer's Foundry at St. Joseph's. Tim is interested in themes of language, family, cultural collisions, competing realities, and memory (both its consolations and its traps). When not writing or studying, you can find him running in Prospect Park, hosting pub quizzes, or tramping the boroughs on a quest for the best spicy ramen in New York.

Michael Knapp

Michael Knapp's writing has appeared in The Los Angeles Review of Books, The Rumpus, The Adroit Journal, The Chicago Review of Books, The Cleveland Review of Books, and elsewhere. He’s an MFA candidate at the Writer’s Foundry.

Jeniffer Lopez

Born in LA and based in NYC, Jeniffer Lopez is a nomadic writer of genre, writing short stories and poetry to encourage direct action on social and environmental issues across the globe. Her work can be found in The Pacific Review and The Space. When not consuming fantasy, she enjoys meditating and journaling.

Katherine Nolan

Katherine Nolan is a Brooklyn-based writer. She enjoys fermented foods, small towns, and overheard conversations. Her forklift certification has lapsed.


t.n.s. [they//them] is a queer, New York-based poet. Within their poetry, t.n.s. gathers horror trinkets to prod, dissect, and devour a tortured humanity, reflecting on the body, queerness, and uncomfortability. Their work may be found on their social media (ig: taylloveselise), or in journals like West Trade Review. You may find them — when not writing poetry — reading up on exorcisms or protesting at their local human rights action. 

Our Past Editors

Issue #2

Deniqua Campbell 

Paul Corning 

Mark Iosifescu 

Frank Jackson 

Melody Rose Serra

Ashley-Devon Williamston 


Issue #1

Danielle James 

Walker Minot 

Nina Semczuk 

Tom Storch